Huertos Orgánicos Comunitarios con 50 Mujere

Este proyecto a ejecutarse será un proyecto de I fase de implementación de huertos orgánicos comunitarios en el del Vertedero Municipal” durante la ejecución del proyecto, Asociación MOES en conjunto con su equipo de trabajo y las personas que nos acompañaran es el Ministerio de Economía Familiar, Comunitaria, Cooperativa y Asociativa (MEFCA) y el Ministerio de Agricultura y Forestal (MAGFOR) vimos que habían unas mujeres que querían integrarse a formar parte de grupo meta de aprender hacer huertos orgánicos para su subsistencia y para apoyar a la comunidad mismas y que sus mismos familiares se beneficiaran, por lo que decidimos que si podían formar parte del grupo meta y lo bueno es que las mujeres de la primera fase ya tomaron bastante experiencias en el trabajo de la tierra y la confección de Huertos y también lograron que sus siembras fueran de gran beneficio económico para los habitantes de la comunidad y para ellas mismas.
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This project to be executed will be a project of the first phase of implementation of community organic gardens in the Municipal Landfill ”during the execution of the project, MOES Association together with its work team and the people who will accompany us is the Ministry of Family Economy, Community, Cooperative and Associative (MEFCA) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAGFOR) we saw that there were some women who wanted to join the target group to learn to make organic gardens for their subsistence and to support the community themselves and their The same family members would benefit, so we decided that if they could be part of the target group and the good thing is that the women of the first phase have already had enough experiences in working the land and making orchards and they also managed to plant their crops. of great economic benefit for the inhabitants of the community and for themselves.
hace 3 años
I recommend that you write the description and name of your solution in English and not in Spanish.
hace 3 años
Votes count in this call. Tell everybody about your participation in the 4revs Innovation Challenge and share your application on your social media to get as many votes as you can.
hace 3 años
Hello Julissa! Welcome, we love to have you as one of our participants for 4Revs Open Innovation Challenge 2020. ¡Thank you for participating in the 4Revs Open Innovation Challenge and helping humanity solve our four survival challenges in one generation! Remember you have until November 19th to edit your proposal, the finalists will be announced on December 2nd.
hace 3 años

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4Revs Innovation Challenge

Helping humanity solve its main survival challenges in one generation (2020-2050)

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