
What is the most efficient way to build a society you are proud of? Our short answer: Sustainability. XXI Century's government policies make practices to fight Climate Change mandatory for the first time in history. This opens new opportunities for innovative thinkers to solve three key pains of industries and businesses:1) Guarantee they follow national Climate Change Law.2) Professional advice for Increasing Efficiency3) Finding projects to reduce their Negative ImpactsAt Environ, we understand our client's priorities. We plan to start a business Verifying GHG Emissions from companies obligated either by Law or the market (Big Companies require this from their suppliers) in an innovative, cost efficient way. We will make easy and affordable for companies to take the first step on fighting climate change.Then, phase 2 of our plan.We will develop projects that address social, environmental and economic profitability, and sell them to our existing customers.
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¡Muchas felicidades por tu propuesta Issac! Te apoyamos con nuestro voto y te invitamos a que conocer la nuestra. Mucho éxito! http://mx.socialab.com/challenges/idi2017idea/idea/48012
hace 7 años
Hola excelente iniciativa para generar un gran impacto. Te apoyamos con nuestro voto y estamos en contacto. #JuntosGeneremosElCambio. Te invito a conocer nuestra idea y dejarnos tu opinión. Saludos. Nuestra idea: http://mx.socialab.com/challenges/idi2017idea/idea/41052
hace 7 años
Supieron detectar una muy buena oportunidad, muy interesante, te invito a invitar la mía ayudarme a mejorarla y apoyarme si te gusta http://mx.socialab.com/challenges/idi2017idea/idea/48271
hace 7 años

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